Then there are those of us who compete in the fitness realm, that have the 'morning after' a show. I presume this feeling is the same for any competitor, athlete, performer, etc who has just participated in this huge event they had been preparing so long for, and finally woke up from the next day with either a feeling of exhilaration or dismay, as you realize your fate was decided the day prior. I haven't competed in over a year, but now as a coach of a team of ladies whom compete, I've woken up with this 'morning after' more times than I have personally had hitting the stage.
When I first started to compete, my posing coach at the time, and now the posing coach for my team and all around partner in crime, told me she helped others prepare for competitions because she didn't want others to go into it learning along the way as she had. I always felt prepared for things that came my way because her experience prepared me, good or bad, for a particular outcome. Now, as a coach, I do the same. As a parent would, you take your child into a situation that may or may not have a desired outcome. You try to 'protect' them as much as you can, but realize all extenuating circumstances are beyond your control, and when it's over, you are there for the 'morning after'.
I went on a run this 'morning after' to clear my head. It never gets any easier. Whether it's my personal 'morning after' or my team.