Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Would you speak up?

WHAT Would You Do?

I saw this post and looked at the video because I thought the title was interesting.  This apparently, is a series of videos with actors that depict situations and people's reactions are filmed. Not any different than any 'caught on camera' type show, but when I saw this, it really made me wonder what I would do in this situation.

I think in hindsight, I can blog about what I would do in this situation, but if I were to be completely honest, I am not certain I would do the 'right' thing. I could feel the tension in the room as I watched this. I would be interested to receive feedback from people on this video.  Although this one in particular focuses on interracial relationships and racism, the underlying theme isn't any different than what we encountered as children. Peer pressure and sticking your neck out or going against the grain, in a room full of your peers that appear to disagree.  Racism is always an issue, whether it's in our face or not, and has seemed to be heightened lately.  So, this seems an appropriate discussion...Leave me your thoughts!