Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Will you be there...?

I have a group of ladies that are on a 10 week challenge to get into a bikini! For some of you, you are probably like what's the big deal, I go to nude beaches. lol. Some people have never worn a bikini, IN LIFE! Can you imagine that? There are people you see at the beach in shorts and a tee and that is the most stripped down they will be in public. So, THIS is a huge step for some of these ladies, and for some a note able shift in their lives.  I don't want to focus on that, just yet. What I want to talk to you about is commitment. The long haul. The after, after. I told the ladies that I want their COMMITMENT, not their EXCITEMENT.

I love it when people say they are excited about something, don't you?! ' OMG I'm so excited about *fill in the blank*. I can't wait to do *fill in the blank*. Oh this time I"m gonna ' FILL..IN ...THE ...BLANK'
Then what happens? You ask them about it later and they are equally UNEXCITED about what they were ECSTATIC about in the beginning. Back to the challenge. Sure, I needed the excitement in the beginning. The excitement brings about the decision to act. EXCITMENT is an emotion. I can be excited about something today, and HATE (another emotion) something tomorrow. If we were required to grant refunds on emotion, I would not make any money. But, once people commit something they think is substantial, ie money, then they are more willing to complete the task they promised at the inception. It's funny that our WORD isn't substantial enough.

I am speaking on exercise but this applies to life. Your 'new year's resolutions' to workout and get in better shape, and lose weight and lack thereof after  2 weeks at a meager attempt to keep a consistent schedule is no different than the 'moves' you're going to make to get a new job, or the lack luster attempt you make at  working at your relationship. Only then, to blame the failure on some outlier when your heart, determination and motivation weren't there in the beginning. Why do we say we want these things ? Because we really DO want these things. Why don't we follow through? Fear of failure? Fear of what's next? Fear of success even. Self sabotage? Sometimes the next steps to the success requires some change from you that you fear. Laziness? Fear of extra work? We don't want to risk being hurt whether it be our hearts, or our ego. You see, most people expect you to fail. It's so much easier to fall into everyone's expectations of being less than your full potential. Really think about that. How many people do you have in your immediate circle that push you to do more than you dream? What's the first thing a lot of people say to your desires or goals? 'That won't work' ' Oh a friend of mine did that and didn't like it' 'You've never been able to do that. What makes you think that will work now?' ' Oh well good luck, but you know how you are'  Be careful who you reach out to for 'advise' or confirmation. Your 'friends' are sometimes the worst comforters with their 'honest' opinions.

What do you want to do today? Then do it, and stick with it. Not tomorow. Not next week. Not when you feel better. Not when it stops snowing....

Write it down, slap that bitch on your wall...and own it.

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