Monday, March 17, 2014

Are you destined for more than death...?

noun: destiny; plural noun: destinies
  1. 1.
    the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future.
    "she was unable to control her own destiny"
    • the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate.
      "he believes in destiny"

  1. fate
    1. 1.
      the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power.

    I had a situation occur today with my keys that made me think on fate and destiny. I noticed before it was 'too late', that I was missing my door key and was able to find it prior to reaching my apartment. When I did reach my apartment, the key didn't work anyways. I was fortunate enough to have been able to buzz a neighbor who came down to let me in and we realized someone in the building had locked the front door from the inside.  I guess it was just meant for me to be locked out.

Which brings me to my question...FATE. Can we avoid it? Can we control it? Are there certain things that are just DESTINED to happen?  That no matter how hard you try to make something work, make things happen, change a circumstance, it will come back to what was 'supposed' to happen in the first place.  How many times have you made all the necessary adjustments to make sure a certain circumstance didn't occur and it happened anyways?

Do you remember the choose your own adventure books? I used to love reading these books because I felt like I had some control as to how the story would end.  You had these different instances throughout the story where you had to choose between different scenarios. The scenarios would take you to a different page where the story would continue and it would proceed in that fashion until you ended the story, hopefully still alive but sometimes in a sticky situation by the end.  If you were anything like me, while reading I would choose but kind of 'peek' at the page to see if that was an acceptable route to take before I would continue. lol. We don't exactly have that option in life.

I found this cover, and it made me chuckle but think...'What if no matter WHAT choice you made, the outcome would always be the same. What would you do differently ?' If I were going to die no matter what I chose, how would I go about reading the book. I mean, would I even READ it at all? Would I be more reckless in my choices? More valiant in my efforts as a hero? 

I ran across another interesting theory:

I currently believe that, in a sense, we cannot make a choice, any choice, other than what we are destined to make. 
Imagine having a clone of our universe, IE: plants, animals, weather, Humans, even the experiences, thoughts, memories, synapses of all brains, down to the atomic level etc, .but neither Universe is aware of the others existence. 
Then if we could "pause" both universes and "play" at the same time where they would be in complete sync, same cloud, same raindrops, same falling leaf, same decisions being made, same thoughts etc from both Universes. 
Would not both "Worlds" continue to run in sync ? 
I propose that they would continue in sync since decisions are made solely on information taken in previously and or situations which we find ourselves.
Then if we paused "Universe A" and allowed "Universe B" to continue to run for 100 years before "playing Universe A" would not Universe A have to follow the exact path that took place in Universe B? If not, then why not?
I think, if the above is true, that EVERY decision we make is the ONLY ONE we can make as it is based on the things around us, and also previous thoughts and experiences, since this is all we have "to go on" when making a decision.
And since these 2 universes are not dependent on each other, would the fact that one does not really exist change this concept any?".....
Not that there is something or someone controlling what we do, just that we have to make THAT choice based on ALL information being presented to us and making any other choice other than that one, is impossible, unless i'm wrong in my thinking.

So, this isn't necessarily saying we don't HAVE a choice. We make our own choices, but it's saying because of how your situation is laid out, you will only make CERTAIN choices. It's like you are in a certain environment with a certain background, personality, circumstances, etc. Because this already exists, you are only going to choose a certain way because everything within your specific situation is too unique to do differently.

So, what do you think?

If you knew that no matter what you chose in life, you would always have the same outcome, how would you live your life differently?  Is YOUR story already written?