Tuesday, August 21, 2012

9 Weeks out - Lesson on food prep

Ok so first off, I cannot believe we are already down to 9 weeks. SINGLE DIGIT countdown!!! The year has been going by so quickly in a general sense, let alone for this competition. With the onset of the new school year, business is picking up with Phoenyx so it is critical that I am prepared on all fronts. Food, scheduling, my clients, my classes, etc.  I do not have the luxury of waiting for things to 'fall in place' or come together. My schedule has to be down chiseled into my planner, down to the minutes.

Making sure I eat properly and what I eat is especially important of course, so food prep day is key. I prep most of my food for the week in one day, and pack it all away in portioned bags or containers. I have found for me personally, portion control is my downfall. It certainly isn't beneficial to eat healthier food if you eat twice as much. : )

What I have also learned about myself is that I will sit at my desk for hours at a time if allowed, so when I am finally able to eat, it needs to be ready already, otherwise, I am tempted to make a bad decision.  SO this week, on the menu we have grilled chicken, steamed cod, broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, collard greens, spaghetti squash, sweet potato, and kale chips, nuts and homemade protein bars. WHEW!

Check out the damage......

Portioned snacks. Homemade kale chips, cashews, and homemade protein squares.

Love my broccoli.

Everything packed away in the fridge.

Can't forget my chicken!

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