Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Here we go... 12 weeks to Texas

I've recently started my 12 weeks of training for the WBFF Texas Championships. Some people may wonder why am I doing this show? Why I'd go through 12 weeks of intense training for a single moment on stage? Well, part of the motivation is being a role model to my team, the Elite Heat and to my clients to practice what I preach by not only talking about fitness and health but living it. I see people's transformations within the Phoenyx Fitness warrior bootcamps, and having them know that my heart is in it as much as theirs can only help push for their and my own best. I want to encourage people to go after whatever they set their hearts out to do. Whether it's working towards a fitness competition like myself or turning into an urban athlete and completing a Spartan run or working on kettlebell training or even just making bootcamp a weekly part of their lives to create a healthier lifestyle; whichever path they choose, I want to encourage it all. 

When my pastor, Dr. Jerome E. McNeil, Jr., passed a few weeks ago it gave me a heightened awareness of time and how precious it is. He sadly passed right after giving a sermon at our church. The title of the sermon that Sunday was,
"I’m better than I used to be"
and it's something that I feel he always encouraged people to understand. We are never where we need to be. We are insatiable and imperfect, but if we strive every day to be better people we will always be better than we used to be. The only way we don't accomplish this, is if we don't try. Every day, I want to be better than I was before. Things don't have to remain the same unless you let them. Religious preferences aside, I loved him because I would leave a better person just by being in his presence. I want to pass that along to anyone I meet. I want everyone to meet me, and somehow become a better person because of it. All this makes me want to push and not waste any moments. So, getting up on stage even for a moment will make all the weeks of dedication and training worth it. Plus, it will be nice to go back to support my hometown and show my friends that what I do is what I love. 

So here starts the countdown to Dallas WBFF Texas Championships....

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