Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Crash Diets and Good Habits - Another Seth Godin production

Seth's Blog: Crash diets and good habits

I am a fan of Seth Godin and today he had a great blog that I had to share. In my line of business, I struggle with people of many sizes, shapes, personalities, emotions, etc, but most of the time, they all want the same thing. They want to look a certain way, and they want it now. Then they tell me all the things they have tried. I've cut carbs. I have eliminated sugar. I've had water and lemons for 2 weeks. I have worked out three times a day. I've  eaten nothing but vegetables for a week. Sigh.

All of these things will get you some sort of a result because most of these will send your body into shock and survival mode, but none of these develop the proper habits you need to maintain the outcome. That is IF you receive the outcome you want. You can always do things to 'lose weight' but being healthy and developing yourself physically and long term takes time, proper nutrition and a physical lifestyle.

I like how Seth associates this with all aspects of life. This is the same in your business, in your relationships, your daily living.  There are quick fixes, and then, there are proper foundations that develop long term results.

Don't be afraid of making changes or sacrifices over the course to better yourself for a lifetime. Let's stop looking for that miracle pill.

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