Sunday, December 1, 2013

Happiness....the 20 Step Series....

Today is the first day in a 20 day series on the breakdown of  a list I saw about 'WHAT YOU NEED TO LET GO TO BE HAPPY". And who doesn't want that right?

Let go of... 

20. Expectations

Managing your expectations is the key to happiness. If you let go of expectations, you will never be disappointed. Often, we tend to believe that the way we treat others will be the way we are treated in return. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Do not expect a certain result from any given situations. Go into an experience with an open mind. This will allow you to fully immerse yourself, without the pressure of living up to preconceived notions.

I have a really hard time with this one. (I have a feeling I am going to start most of my posts with this statement)  I tend to live by the 'treat others as you want to be treated' theory. I tend to think that 1. People are looking out for me, 2. People are going to do the RIGHT thing (and what is that) and 3. People have the same foundational notions that I do. None of these statements are accurate. I think it's hard to operate in a state of just 'being' or 'doing'. Who loves someone not EXPECTING to be loved back. Or does something for someone and is happy to never be acknowledged.  It makes you really do things JUST because you want to do them, and truly evaluate why you do the things you do. 

This means accepting people for who they are and giving without reservation, or don't give at all. I had a teacher that told me once in grade school, don't lend out your pencil if you expect to get it back. Give expecting nothing and when you get something in return, you didn't expect it. 

Today's challenge is to do without expecting. Enjoy the now. I'm ready to begin....Are you?

“Give without expectation, accept without reservation, and love with hesitation.”

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