Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What is your motivation....Step 6

We are on day 6 of our happiness series....  Things we need to let go of to be happy....

6. You’re Going To Be Rich

Too many people live their lives with the thought that they will be millionaires. While this can be a realistic goal for some, it is not something that can be achieved without hard work and dedication. Stop letting money be your sole motivator; find a career you are passionate about and immerse yourself in it completely.

Not so sexy a topic, lol, but important and can be approached from several angles. Passion for your craft and your priorities.

 I thought this was an interesting chart.  FInding what you love, what your good at, AND what will get you paid is usually a challenge. You have the traditionally well paying occupations that you hear about as a child. The doctors, the lawyers, the educators or educated that pursue a particular craft in business, within corporate,etc. There are people that have a passion for these different jobs, but I would be willing to bet a majority of them do not go into it thinking they are just in LOVE with it.  I have yet to hear a child say they want to be a lawyer because they love to debate. lol.  The people who have to hustle to pursue a dream understand the power of passion and the driver behind it and that is the difference we are analyzing. If you are in it just for the money, you probably aren't very happy. Not REALLY happy. We live in a money driven society, so sure,having money definitely makes living day to day easier, but we are not foundationally built to thrive emotionally on the all mighty dollar.

When I think of someone that supports my next statement best, Steve Jobs is one of those people. Live out your passions, and it will take care of you. If you are truly living out your purpose and what you feel you were given a gift to do...if you are helping others....you will be rewarded for that, here, which I believe is the financial and in heaven.  I do believe in a balance of this power as well. As mentioned in a previous post, things won't just come to you. You have to go and get it. And managing these 'rewards' accordingly so that you are able to live is equally as important as generating them.
TODAY'S CHALLENGE - Pursue as if you have nothing to lose. We are speaking today about your job specifically but as you know, this applies to life. I'm not saying go out and quit your job. ;) If you hate what you do, really take the time to evaluate it and figure out what you like to do, and work towards it. I think sometimes, as people, we like to just sit and complain and be in a position of grief, and then not do anything about it. There's nothing worse than a complainer or a crybaby. Make a change...even if it's just taking a class or picking up a hobby.

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