Thursday, December 12, 2013

I Don't WANNA!....Step 10

We are on day 10 of our happiness series....  Things we need to let go of to be happy....

10. Stubbornness

I know it’s hard to admit, but sometimes you are just wrong. Other people have just as much capability as you do in providing the correct answer, so stop being stubborn and just embrace it. The less stubborn you act, the more open you are to learning new things. Think of all you could be exposed to if you stopped believing in opinions other than your own.

Ouch. lol. 

Stubbornness can lead to many different things and is usually fueled by pride and ego. You have to get past yourself so that you can see things and situations for what they are. For what they REALLY are, or you will miss out on good people, situations, or things that could better yourself.

“Well, I'm stubborn and wrong, but at least I know it.” 
― Vanessa Carlton


Because there is a difference, and it is usually in the back end of the transaction. They can look the same, but your driver behind your actions? And how you proceed within the action? Do you listen to others along the way? Is your end goal positive or something uplifting for yourself or others. Does it make sense? Are you open to other options or ideas or is it your way or the highway? I run a business. I have many people that I work with and people that contribute to my team. So many people and so many opinions, suggestions, personalities, ideas. etc. I have to remain open and listen to others. My way is not always the best way. Sometimes, it's not the best way at all. Sometimes, what is motivating my idea or thought is not the best idea for the group. I have to be able to step back and realize when that is happening and make changes. On the flip side, if I believe in something, I have to be able to implement it no matter what. It's not always the masses that want what is best for the masses. You cannot please everyone. Don't spend your time trying to convince or please the naysayers when it is not in the best interest of the community.

“There's none so blind as those who will not listen.” 
― Neil GaimanAmerican Gods

  • Listen to the other side of the story
  • Know that you are not always right
  • Trust other people, not just you
  • Be humble
  • Keep an open mind
  • Realize being stubborn is good in some cases
This is a hard one to realize sometimes. There is a fine line between holding your ground for something and being pig headed. It requires a lot of inquiry into oneself. Be true to yourself. This is always but especially here, or you could steam plow yourself into a situation by yourself.

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