Monday, December 9, 2013

Thinking is as thinking does...Step 13

We are on day 13 of our happiness series....  Things we need to let go of to be happy....

" God wants to show you exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond, but it will not happen if you’re speaking defeat over your life. " - Joel Osteen

13. Negativity

What you put out into the universe will come back to you, so change the way you think, immediately. Stop thinking of life as a glass half empty, but rather, half full. You have so much to be grateful for, if only you took a moment to appreciate it. Anything is possible in the mind of a positive thinker.

Garbage in, garbage out.  You reap what you sow. Look at the glass as half full, not empty.   

We have all these sayings that we throw around, and this step seems so simple. If you don't want negativity, don't think it. Simple, right?  Our minds are so amazing, that even reigning in on what we think is an exercise in itself. 

The longer you think on something, whether it be true or not, you start to believe it.

- Your swagger portrays it.
- Your dialogue dictates it.
- Your actions mirror it.
- Your family believes it.
- Your friends receive it.

I had the distinct pleasure of attending an improv class with Marishka Phillips , a prominent acting coach in NYC ( and she made mention to what I found a fascinating thought while we were doing an exercise. She said to recollect to our earliest thoughts, which is usually around the age of 5, and try to remember who planted certain thoughts in your head at that time that you still believe today. She said you aren't born thinking a certain way. Someone had to plant these seeds in your mind. WHOA..Think about how amazing that is..Just for a second. Let's say at 5 or before or after, but as a child and for many years, you were told by "fill in the blank" that you were ugly.   This is someone important to you, parent, teacher, close relative, care giver, etc. Repeated words are reinforced daggers that eventually wear at your self image, and make their perception, your reality. Then, it doesn't matter how you look, or what others say. You believe an f'd up visual whittled into your mind by someone else.

This is coming from an outside source. So, imagine what it's like if it's in your own mind. No one lives there, but you, and your mind has all day every day to remind you of things......

BACK up a second.  I'm not really stupid and lazy?

So what do you do? It is a true exercise of your daily thoughts:

1. Watch what I like to call POP UPS - You know how you have the pop up windows on your browser that don't load unless you set it up to automatically load. This is how our mind is sometimes with negative thoughts. I had a client who always said, I can't do that, during our sessions no matter WHAT it was. This is the worst thing you can say to me. It's  like saying you don't like a food you never tried. I told her then that every time she said that, she owed me money. This started to add up, and she realized how often she expressed this, instead of trying. Don't give your pop ups permission.

2. You are a reflection of the company you keep - As much as this may hurt, THIS is OOOH so important. Birds of a feather flock together. If you surround yourself with negativity, which can manifest in situations, circumstances and YES people, you will breed the same. When you go to Disney World, Mickey Mouse doesn't throw tomatoes at you when you walk in. lol. If he, the environment, or anyone there, were any less than super festive, it would not be Disney. People always say to surround yourself with like minded people......Letting go of people that are not on the same page as you, especially when it pertains to your mental health , is not being snotty. It's called growth.

3. SMILE - I don't think I need to tell you how to do this or the benefits. You would be amazed how different your circumstances feel if you just laugh a little. 

4. Negative thoughts are just THOUGHTS - How many of you 'play' the stock market? You buy a commodity at a certain price. Now, the market can yo yo up and down all day long, but until you SELL, your LOSS is not realized. Our thoughts, positive or negative, are just that. THOUGHTS. ...I am ugly, I am not good enough, I am too fat, I am not as smart, ...thoughts, words running through your head. They don't have legs until you give them legs. When these thoughts pop into your head, get rid of them, before it takes a life of its' own. The phrase, 'It's all in your head' is REAL.

5. VERIFY- So a thought comes flying through your mind...They won't like me. I'm too fat....Put on your mental brake... Why did I think that? Did someone say they didn't like me? Did someone say I was fat? And if so, who tha HELL are they ?(judgement blog was yesterday...please re read to refresh) Why does it matter to me IF they like me? Why do I need their approval?  Don't let your mind discount who you are...Prove it!
Today's Challenge - This may be a little time consuming, but worth it if you have the time. List the negative thoughts you have throughout the day. At the end of the day, take a look at your list and put the thoughts through the verification exercise. Initially, I think you would need to write it down,but ideally what you want is to be able to catch these thoughts throughout your day and assess them as you go. Force yourself to think differently, or ...expect the same result.

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