Monday, February 16, 2015

Real recognize real...

The almighty dollar..

- Money is the root of all evil
- Money can't buy you happiness
- Make that money, don't let it make you
- Money talks
- There's no such thing as a free lunch
- Life is a game. Money is how we keep score
- A penny saved is a penny earned....

We shouldn't worship it, but we can't live without it. LITERALLY. You can't buy necessities, food, clothing, shelter, etc. without being able to generate those funds.  How MUCH funds? According to a study done in 2014 by CNN facing off all 50 states against 10 categories, New York was lucky enough to top the list as the most expensive state to live in followed by Hawaii, Connecticut, and California.  If you want to move to the state with the best cost of living rating, you're moving to Kentucky by the way. ;)

My discussion though, isn't focusing on determining the best places to live or even money, but your WORTH. Your value, and how that's determined.

In my real estate class, we were discussing the value of the dollar and how that has continued to decline over the years.  A bad thing for us since that is our form of currency so our money is worth less each year, which means we need MORE of it, to buy the same things.  SO, if you aren't receiving raises at a higher rate than the descending value of the dollar, you AREN'T really making more money. But the dollar is our measure of 'success'. The more you have, in other people's eyes the more successful you are. He continued to compare the value of the dollar to precious metals and laid the two against a graph to show how their values have changed over the years. As the dollar continued to drop, the value of precious metal, ie gold, silver, continued to rise. So, why don't we utilize gold coin as a currency?  A totally different conversation...But what he said next was what I found interesting.

" Something real against something real, never changes..."

When you compare something real and truly tangible like gold to something equally tangible, oil for instance, they move together.

The statement was fascinating to me.  And it made me think about who I am lined up with, in my life. Who do I have walking 'with' me that are truly real and are they going in the same direction that I am going. Or, do I have people surrounding me, walking 'with' me, wearing faces and clothes that LOOK valueable, but aren't worth 'the paper they are printed on'.  People who put on the face, but have no value.

Think about it. Know your worth, and line up with people that mirror that.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Are you the King of your Jungle?

Lion V Cheetah

Cheetahs..The world's fastest land mammal. It can run at speeds of up to 70 miles an hour, and can cover 23-26 feet in ONE stride.
Lions...Nicknamed the 'King of the Jungle'.  Their roar can be heard up to 5 miles away. The most powerful of all animals and fearless. 

As I was working out today, I was looking at one of the televisions above the stair master.  The screen that caught my eye was on some animal documentary comparing large cats in the wild. This one in particular was comparing cheetahs to lions. Being a Leo, I'm partial to lions. Watching them move within this film was breathtaking and humbling.  A male lion averaging 400-500 pounds, with their amazing manes and staggering is no wonder adjectives such as majestic, power, courage, and nobility are used often in their descriptions.  

The cheetah was stunning. Graceful, agile, and incredibly fast making its' beauty short lived to those close enough.  Their speed enables them the ability to attack you before you're able to recognize they are even there.

The fastest pitted against the strongest. Why the comparison? When I watched this it reminded me of the question that arose when the Ravens played the Pats some years ago in the super bowl. Who wins super bowls? Offense, or defense? The strongest versus the fastest. I suppose if you are the best at a particular thing within the same 'game' you are going to be compared to the other great thing.

I could go on about the animals separately. It was a fascinating piece. What I found interesting though, was the way the cheetah evened out the match up. You see, if a lion and a cheetah come in contact with one another, the cheetah, of course, can out run a lion...BUT for how long? Eventually, the cheetah needs to come up for air, and the lion then has an opportunity to catch up and pounce. ONCE these two animals are head to head, the cheetah stands NO chance in being able to defend itself. The lion's strength outweighs that of its' 150 pound counterpart, and the cheetah knows this. What do cheetahs do then to keep from becoming extinct at the hands of the lion?  They kill the lion's cubs. Wow. I know I cannot beat you, so I cripple your lineage.

This made me think of a lot of different things, but what I wanted to focus on within this write up is the magnitude of that type of power. Imagine being SO powerful, that people KNOW they would not win if given a chance to challenge you. So, what do they do? They kill your children to keep your legacy from continuing. They take something close to you that weakens your army, and your spirit. They recognize your strength, and utilize a back door method of attack.  We've seen this in history and in movies where great emperors, warriors and leaders who conquered many were attacked through their bloodline. The Gladiator, Braveheart, Jesus... :)

The method of attack and the related item in question that is stolen from you can be related to many things physical or not. Children, family, spouses, money, joy, peace, stability, security,....My thoughts. Am I powerful? Are you powerful? Do people fear you? Not fear as in scared. Fear as in respect. Will you leave a presence that others recognize? A truth they won't question. Do YOU believe in it?

And , what are you leaving behind? Not just in children, family, lineage, but teachings, thoughts, impressions,.. how do you 'touch' people you encounter? Are you king? Or just a predator...

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Rebel without a Cause....

a rebel without a cause
phrase of cause
noun: rebel without a cause
  1. 1.
    a person who is dissatisfied with society but does not have a specific aim to fight for.

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” 
― Friedrich Nietzsche

I have this shirt that, upon purchase, was enticing more for the design than the word. It was loose, hung off my shoulder and was open in the back. Very different and fitting both for my personality, and the front of the shirt. REBEL.  'Someone who resists or defies authority, or the status quo. '

I recently took some much needed downtime and travelled to California. Not my first trip to the state, but my first time in the LA area.  I needed a break, so this trip was scheduled immediately following a big fitness show we participated in in NYC.  During this trip, I really wanted to reflect on myself and obtain some 'answers'...LIFE answers. Usually people have a specific question they need answered. Although, I thought to myself I needed to sort things out, I am not really certain I could lay out the 'things' I needed sorted for someone to help me.  What I did know was I felt uneasy, restless, and lacking. Lacking purpose,...lacking direction....lacking peace  I didn't feel calm. Like I was trying to be still in a bottle someone would continually shake up,..and loudly. It was noisy. In my surroundings,....I couldn't get away from the constant buzz. 

I ran everyday. These were the quietest moments on my trip and the only time I could really shut everything out and think on nothing, and everything. Every morning, I took a run to the water and would just run. Run until it entered my head that I was tired, or I would recognize that the sun was peeping out and people were beginning their day. In that silence, I would listen intently, for a sign...a word. Nothing. 

One day, I had stopped at a Starbucks for coffee and decided to sit there to finish my beverage before heading to the hotel. An older gentleman had taken a seat at one of the 'community' type tables next to mine. I had gotten up to grab something at the counter and when I returned he asked me what my shirt meant. 

'What do you mean?' I asked. 'Why are you wearing that shirt?' He asked. 'Surely, you purchased that shirt to make some sort of statement. What does it mean?'  

I laughed. 'I don't do things the normal way'.  Now HE laughed. ' I like that', he replies. And so my conversation with Luigi began. Luigi, an Italian immigrant who moved to the now Rodondo Beach area as a young man in 1972 and made what he could work for work, work, until he happened upon the trade of carpentry and construction. I sat and spoke with this man for an hour as he continued to lay nugget upon nugget on the table about his life experiences and what's REALLY important in life. He said so much, I told him he should blog little quotes and thoughts each day. I should have recorded him and done it for him. This man still owned a flip phone. lol.  

During our conversation, he would continually ask me why and what do YOU think. Why, why why. What I realized in our discussion was I was the noise. I am the noise, I am the distraction, I am the person shaking up my bottle. The buzz is mine and the voices are me. I move. I am active. I don't sit still, but I'm looking for peace? And when I have silence,...I run. When I had time every morning to listen, I plugged in headphones, and ran, waiting for THE VOICE to drown out the tunes flowing into my ears, and disappointed when I went back to my room without THE ANSWER. What I asked for was a truth that required me to stop and look at myself and deep down, I don't have a complete happiness with the image.

I celebrated a birthday recently. With that came my subconscious mind reflecting on where I've been, what I've done, what I lack, and where I should be. This year, it required a lot more embracing. Who I am,  AND who IS that? What I want, and how that's changed. Where I want to be, live and even who I want to be with and keep in my circle. 

When I started writing, I wrote with the intention of emptying my brain. I wanted the remaining contents to come together and formulate a complete picture that made sense. It rarely happens the way you want right? Although my step by step guide didn't fall from the sky and bounce off my desk, a determination to make things DIFFERENT did.  Making steps towards my whats and eliminating the who's and whats that are not a part of that process. 

A few months ago, I blogged from my last trip in Florida and I mentioned that sometimes you have to leave things behind. Don't be afraid to let things go. I took a picture of an old and very beat up pair of sneakers that I LEFT in Florida. Since then, I had a new pair of sneakers, and although I only had them 3 months, they too are ragged, torn, and ready to be replaced. I took another picture, and left these sneakers in California, but not for the same underlying thought. When I purchased this pair, I got them to get me by, and not because they were the best pair for me. I had my old pair for almost 6 months, and although that is too long to keep a pair of sneakers that you utilize regularly, they maintained for most of that time, because they were a good pair. 

The sneakers I left in Cali

So I left yet another pair, not only to let go, but to find something better, something that will last, and take care of me. I will take the time to find a pair that nurtures that, and not settle on something to 'get me by'.  

Here's to not just getting by. 
Here's to not running. 
Here's to standing still, looking forward with my eyes open, and still being able to embrace the image before me. 

“It is not enough to be industrious; so are the ants. What are you industrious about?"

[Letter to Harrison Blake; November 16, 1857]” 
― Henry David ThoreauLetters to Various Persons

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Would you speak up?

WHAT Would You Do?

I saw this post and looked at the video because I thought the title was interesting.  This apparently, is a series of videos with actors that depict situations and people's reactions are filmed. Not any different than any 'caught on camera' type show, but when I saw this, it really made me wonder what I would do in this situation.

I think in hindsight, I can blog about what I would do in this situation, but if I were to be completely honest, I am not certain I would do the 'right' thing. I could feel the tension in the room as I watched this. I would be interested to receive feedback from people on this video.  Although this one in particular focuses on interracial relationships and racism, the underlying theme isn't any different than what we encountered as children. Peer pressure and sticking your neck out or going against the grain, in a room full of your peers that appear to disagree.  Racism is always an issue, whether it's in our face or not, and has seemed to be heightened lately.  So, this seems an appropriate discussion...Leave me your thoughts!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Morning After...

I don't know what images this phrase draws for others but it always reminds me of reflecting on some sort of 'damage control'.   The 'morning after' pill...the 'morning after' hangover...the 'morning after' a one night stand...

Then there are those of us who compete in the fitness realm, that have the 'morning after' a show. I presume this feeling is the same for any competitor, athlete, performer, etc who has just participated in this huge event they had been preparing so long for, and finally woke up from the next day with either a feeling of exhilaration or dismay, as you realize your fate was decided the day prior.  I haven't competed in over a year, but now as a coach of a team of ladies whom compete, I've woken up with this 'morning after' more times than I have personally had hitting the stage.

When I first started to compete, my posing coach at the time, and now the posing coach for my team and all around partner in crime, told me she helped others prepare for competitions because she didn't want others to go into it learning along the way as she had.  I always felt prepared for things that came my way because her experience prepared me, good or bad, for a particular outcome. Now, as a coach, I do the same.  As a parent would, you take your child into a situation that may or may not have a desired outcome. You try to 'protect' them as much as you can, but realize all extenuating circumstances are beyond your control, and when it's over, you are there for the 'morning after'.

I went on a run this 'morning after' to clear my head.  It never gets any easier. Whether it's my personal 'morning after' or my team. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Are your friends bringing down your value?

Let's think about this for a minute. This doesn't say you are the equivalent of the 5 people you spend the most time with, or that you are as successful as your 5 most successful friends. The AVERAGE of the people you spend the most time with. That means you take that five, and take the MEAN of those 5. If you were to take the average of a set of numbers, and you have 4 low numbers, that 4 brings your total down.

There is a similar and  popular quote in spanish speaking countries... 

Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres.” Roughly translated, it means, “Tell me who you associate with, and I’ll tell you who you are.” 

We are what we continually do. We also act in an environment in which we are comfortable. If your friends sit around, drink,  and play video games, why would you do any differently? (Hopefully, that doesn't describe too many of you. lol)  Your friends, family, circle, workplace, network, IMMEDIATE access should continually encourage you to take it to that NEXT level. And there's ALWAYS a next level. We thrive on progression. This can be as little or as big as needed for you as long as you are MOVING. People have this general idea for what it means to be better or successful. Your success is just that. YOURS. You don't have to have what your neighbor has or do what your neighbor does, as long as what you are doing and where you are going is better than where you were.  

You cannot LIVE that with people surrounding you that don't believe in the same things. People are generally fearful and selfish. We don't want to be reminded of what we SHOULD be doing. Some people would prefer to be around people worse off than they are, so they don't look bad. And people who aren't on the same page as you may not be willing to encourage your success. 

“It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction.”

― Warren Buffett

Who better to quote than Warren Buffett. We fear the challenge of living up to ...Fill in the blank. I want people around me who want it all. I don't want people around me to tell me what I cannot do. My insecure subconscious can do that on its' own.  You can make up an excuse for anything, and it's so much easier to do that than to do and feel 'failure'. The failure is not in doing. It's in NOT trying. 

Who do you have surrounding you today representing your destiny?

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
—Proverbs 27:17

Monday, April 21, 2014

Some things are not meant to RESSURECT

I had the opportunity recently to take some time away from my everyday for a little R and R.  I made a few local trips last year but none that weren't related to a show, and none for me. So, this was the first time I had actually gotten out in over a year. I decided earlier in the year that this was necessary and one day just booked a trip. I saw a few ticket prices to Miami and I have never been to Florida.  Those that know me know that Miami is not really my speed for 'relaxing', so I booked the trip instead, to Ft Lauderdale with the thinking that if I wanted to get into something crazy, I would take the short drive to Miami.  The trip came faster than I knew but immediately after my first show of the year, so I was excited to be able to get away.   
During this time, relaxing was the main thing but I also wanted to reflect on things in my life, where I was, and just reset emotionally, mentally, etc.  There were two main things I wanted to share that left the most impact on me during those few days.


I went running every morning on the beach before breakfast. There was one morning I went to the beach right across the street from my hotel. Another morning, I biked further south, at least 5-7 miles first, before I began my run. When I entered the beach in both instances, the sun looked the same. It was centered in the background shining on the long expansion of sand to my left and right.  I know how the universe works, but for some reason, I was expecting it to be further up or out of my view because I had moved further along the beach. lol. 

Sometimes, we get hung up on feeling badly because we don't have what we need or we don't think we have enough.  Most of the time we have what we need. We just decide to 'sleep in' and with your hustle from day to day, you miss the basic things that are always there for you.  Take the time to reflect on the quiet and the people, friends, family, situations, etc that have always been there for you. The people and situations that are your rock don't usually change, because they ARE consistent. Don't establish your base with people or things that don't have roots. When you need to come back to them, they need to be there, unconditionally and ready to rejuvenate you. Choose who falls into this bucket wisely. 

LETTING GO does not mean GIVING UP

I love being outdoors, and I love the sun. I can put good use into a pair of sneakers when the weather is right. Last summer, I bought my first pair of Brooks, which is a really great brand of running shoe.  I did an impulse purchase actually, because I was supposed to go to boot camp outdoors with one of my trainers, and I forgot to pack my sneakers. I stopped off at the first running store I found but it was a great store. They tested my running pattern on a treadmill to determine which sneaker would work best. I found that I  have a neutral gait but apparently a choosy color selection because every color I chose, they did not have. lol. So, LITERALLY 7 pairs later, I found a color I could wear every day. 

Now, you are supposed to change out your sneakers almost as often as you change your oil in your car depending on how much you run. Every 3000 miles or every 3 months. During the summer, I can run at least 4 days a week. By August, I should have been ready for new shoes. THEY WERE SO COMFORTABLE. I even had someone send me new ones for Christmas, but I continued to wear my old shoes. One day, someone in class says, ' Are those your socks?'  I looked down at my shoes, and sure enough, my toe was poking out of the side. lol. Ah, I think it's really time to let go.  

While I was in FL, I took one last picture, posted above, as a final farewell.  I knew I wouldn't NOT wear them unless I didn't have them. What better place to bury my shoes than the sunny state of Florida.   We do this in life too, right? Sometimes, you outgrow things, people, situations. Sometimes, things in your life just need to be replaced.  You've had them too long, or they are no longer useful to you in the capacity you had originally intended. No longer GOOD for you, no matter how USED to them you have gotten.  But we hang on to it, because we're used to it. It still feels ok, for the most part.  It feels ok because we're used to the feeling and we are afraid the 'new pair' will hurt our feet. 

When I finally put on the new pair, my ankles hurt and my shins were sore. NOT because these were bad shoes, but because I wore the OLD shoes too long. The new shoes had to correct what bad posture I had established in a pair of shoes I should have let go of a long time ago. There will be growing pains. There is PAIN when you have GROWTH, but you have to move forward, let go, and sometimes, go through a little discomfort to finally come to a better place.

These are my sneakers by the trash at the hotel. Even looking at this makes me a little sad.  

Courage is a choice. Choose courage over fear.